W W Waarom Wettelen? Wadjda Wailing, The Wajib Wakhan Front, The Wakolda Walk in the Woods, A Walk of Shame Walk, The Wand, Die Wannsee Konferenz, Die Water Diviner, The Waterboys Watermark Watermelon Woman, The Wave, The We Are The Best! We Are What We Are We Are Your Friends We Bought a Zoo We’re the Millers Weekend in Paris, A Weiner Welcome to the Punch Welcome to the Rileys Weldi Werk ohne Autor West Side Story What Happened to Monday What Maisie Knew What We Did on Our Holiday What We Do in the Shadows When Marnie Was There While We’re Young Whiplash Whistleblower, The White Bird in a Blizzard White God White House Down White Material White Plastic Sky White Riot White Shadow White Sun Whitney Widow of Silence Widows Wild Wild Card Wild Pear Tree, The Wild Rose Wild Tales Wind Rises, The Windmill Massacre, The Winnie Winter Sleep Winter Vacation Winter’s Tale Wiplala Wochenende, Das Wolf and Sheep Wolf at the Door, A Wolf of Wall Street, The Wolfwalkers Wolverine, The Woman at War Woman in Gold Woman of Paris, A Wonder van Le Petit Prince, Het Wonder Wheel Wonderstruck Woodstock: bepalend moment van de babyboomers Workers Working Woman World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles World War Z World’s End, The Worst Person in the World, The